A Sweet Friendship
Sitting in the dark alone,
Wishing you were here.
Learning more about you everyday,
Wanting to have you near.

Friendship is a bond for life,
Make it last as long as we can.
A future lies ahead of us,
We’ll let fate deal it’s hand.

Saying Goodbye
Letting go will be so hard,
My heart breaks just thinking about that time,
When we will have to say goodbye.
Never would be too soon for me...
But we only have a few days left.

I know I’m a better person knowing you.
I’ve learned things I never thought I would -
Not for a while anyway.
So I thank you for that.
And you must know,
That I’ll miss you terribly;
We’ve spent so muc time together,
That it would be impossible not to.

I just wanted you to know,
That I love you.
And that will never change,
No matter where you are...

Taking a walk with a new found friend,
We learn something new around every bend.
Days go by without a care,
Always having something to share.

Making memories,
So everything will last.
Not really caring about the past.
Deeper and deeper,
We want to learn;
Each of us taking our own turn.

As soon as we met,
We could see,
What wonderful friends,
We really could be.